Thursday, July 29, 2004

My time or someone else's???

It suddenly seems that we are meant for other people to pass their time.. You realize you have become a cvreature who is there to hear every word you say and contribute nothing much... Surprising to note that I am being paid to do this!!!
Listen to some ridiculosity and generally pass time till you are wanted for something that YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO DO.
Then comes the part where you have some responsibilities and are usefully contributing rather than conduct god forsaken programs and generally appear busy when you are not doing something and call it Knowledge Management!!! HAH
Lets see how more your life can degenerate into this meaningless void that we have been drafted to fill in and to top it there is even a designation for this post.
Everyone calls it a Honeymoon period when you can have things your way... Only thing missing is a babe to screw!!!! Just frustrating times and this in anticipation of even more frustrating times ahead where you are at the mercy of your project manager rather than your concience, training sessions for passing time and ofcourse meaningless banter...

Till I find a purpose in this job , I remain


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