Wednesday, September 01, 2004

May god BI with you

BI ( Business Intelligence) thats wat I am supposed to be know all about. Know all... that is also what BI is all about.. both trying to achieve the same end??
Inbetween coughs , sputters and a messed up phone connection I try to find meaning of what I have to do, am doing and supposed to do.
Lot of things pop up but someone , somewhere has a lot of clarifications to make and it seems like it is going to be sooner that I thought...
And inviting feedbacks to my blogs sees like a dreaded thing but lets see how things turn out including my day to day life which has become meaningless and the only drive to the day is to go back home and then it becomes a morose countdown to the end of the week. I feel like Robinson Crusoe trying to get something done in a deserted island where everyone 'appears ' busy and paints glorious pictures of living a 24X7 life . Wonder where theses facade of lies will stop and people will realize that nothing is being done...



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